Hello Billie Jean
The Book Signing
How great is it to come to a tennis event and have the best of fortune to not only meet the great Billie Jean King, but to have Billie sign your copy of the new book. Well that is exactly what happened to Vera.
How does one keep it together while being shoulder-to-shoulder with greatness. I, for one, would probably have been a babbling mess ... speaking in indiscriminate sentences.
After having had her "Billie Jean Experience", I wanted to get some insight into what that experience was like. Curious photographer wanted to know.
Turns out, there was a connection between them.
You were able to get Billie Jean King to sign your copy of her autobiography, ALL IN. What did you say to Billie Jean? What did she write to you?
Yes! How inspiring that moment was for me and my entire family. I text them with the pictures of her signing. They went wild to know that BJK was so gracious to stop and sign her book ALL IN for another Poly alum. She was very shocked to know that someone in Delray Beach had a personal connection to her roots. BJK and I grew up in tertiary neighborhoods. She grew up on 36th, we lived on 31st while I was in high school.
Which part(s) of Billie Jean King's autobiography, ALL IN, resonated with you? Although I am still reading, I am impressed by her grit. I can guarantee that determination started when she was in high school and has evolved through her cultivation over time. She has a voice in the larger conversation regarding equity and her platform represents a foundation as a champion for all voices seeking representation and a seat at the table.
Why did you decide to come out to the BJK Cup? I sit on the Delray Beach Downtown Development Authority Board, and I support as many events that I can in our beautiful downtown. I wanted to support the Champions of Equity event and its messaging. I am a voice for equity at the table of our development and investment in our downtown area. BJK brought her message to our city to amplify women and voices in sports and America. It was a pleasure for Delray Beach, Florida to host such a worthy and historic event.
***A special note: BJK and I attended the same high school (not at the same time), in Long Beach, California. Long Beach Polytechnic High School is a famous high school for having top talent, as "The home of Scholars and Champions." The school has put more football players in the NFL than any other high school in the nation. Additionally BJK, Cameron Diaz, Snoop Dogg all graduated from Poly. They are all champions in their fields, I was a champion for students in the classroom.
Billie Jean King held a Champions of Equity Women's Leadership Luncheon, of which you were a part. What can you tell me about the luncheon? What was your big take-away from the luncheon? It was a beautiful affair, fitting for a beautiful champion and voices for equity.
The panel consisting of Coco Gauff's grandmother Mrs. Odom, and Gabrielle Raymond McGee, chief operating officer of the Tory Burch Foundation was a stellar group of powerful voices of wisdom and change. I am looking forward to seeing the fruits of this trio as they continue to plant seeds of action.
While sitting there listening, you could feel the connections had a greater possibility. My take-away is there are women who are doing the work in every area of our society. Each of us has a contribution to make and should seek other women who look to have a positive impact on our society. Building a positive female network is powerful.
This was the first time the Billie Jean King Cup was held in Delray Beach with CoCo Gauff, a resident of Delray Beach, as a headliner. What are your thoughts on CoCo's impact on youth tennis and the game overall? I am truly a Coco fan! Her voice in bringing youthful empowerment to the conversation of equity is as important as her game. Watching her play was a gift to the crowd, and her poise and grace during the event was nothing short of gifted representation on several fronts. She understands her "why." That is truly a gift to understand that early on as you ascend to greatness. Many don't learn their "why" until later in life, Coco understood it early. That is a benefit to her continued growth.
What is your involvement with the sport of tennis? I don't have a direct connection to the sport, but am a fan of all sports. This was a special event held in beautiful Delray Beach, Florida and it was a very historic event for all of our citizens.
What is your DMV connection and will you be attending the Citi Open this year? I lived in the DMV for over 20 years when I worked in corporate America and as an educator. That was the arc of my career. Now I am retired and not for hire! I am greatful for the time I spent there, and reflect on the great memories often. I am still in contact with some of my sorority sisters, and we keep in touch with online celebrations. I am not planning to attend Citi Open this year, but I have a feeling the tickets will sell out as there is a thirst for engagement moving out of the tail end Covid, hopefully. We are yearning for normalcy and comaraderie. Sports are a way for us to break free!